We break hearts and He heals them…..💕

With tears streaming down her cheeks she literally cried a river in front of me. I did nothing. I let her cry. I let her emotions roll with the flow of each of her tears. I watched her body heave up and down and her motions reminded me of the ebb and flow of the ocean. And then she looked up at me… I thought she was all cried out. I though she finally realized that there was no one there for her, only Him. But then she asked me something…. she asked me; “why?!
And my heart sank…..
I wish she could see, would see! That people were designed to break hearts and only Allah was equipped to heal them….
Not even I was able to, nor was I equipped to answer her, guide her or help her to see….

I said a silent prayer and left her broken heart to my Allah to repair….

Why do we hurt as human beings? This is not a scientific approach to this question and I am not versed in anything other than my love for Allah. So I aim to paint a picture and recreate the point of your existence. The reason for your each breath, for your every heartbeat and the purpose of your life.


When you are crippled by emotional pain, or when you sit in the cave of despair wondering, “will this pain ever leave me”, do you wonder why do people hurt us? And have you ever wondered if you’ve hurt anyone?


The human being…. So complex, so driven by emotion and expectations. So liable to err to fall and to fail. I guess that for all of time man has tried to discover this about himself as well as about others; why do we hurt and cry and why do we hurt others even when we don’t want to….


The answer is simple to discover yet difficult to digest.


We hurt because Allah created us as such. He created us with emotions, with a heart, with feelings and with tears. We hurt because it is the design of life. Tests and trials afford us the opportunity to make sabr, to seek Allah and to gain Jannah, Insha Allah….


We hurt others because we are imperfect. We were designed to falter, but we were also designed to discover the desire within us to want to not hurt each other, to want to be better, for Allah’s pleasure.


Yet I don’t think that many people realize that the reason we feel hurt or betrayed or let down is because we have allowed insaan control of our hearts. We look at man with grief filled eyes wondering ” how could he do that Or Say that!”. We focus on what he or she did to us and not on why does it affect us. We have enabled man to decide what breaks us down by depending on each other instead of depending only on Allah! We break down when the expectation we’ve laid out in our minds crumbles to dust. We expect others to be close to perfect while we are aware that we are far from perfection, we expect goodness from others, we expect them to understand us, to comfort us, to be good to us. We feel betrayed and disappointed when people do wrong and deceive us but are they answerable to us? Have they transgressed against us or against Allah? And shouldn’t we only have expectations of our Allah?
Allah says; ” I am as my creation expects me to be”. So if Allah’s creations expects Allah to be good to him, to be just, to be a comfort and a guide then that is exactly what Allah is. But if Allah’s creation pins these and other expectations on not Allah but on Allah’s creation than obviously we will be disappointed as Allah did not equip man to see to the needs of man, but it is only Allah who can see to our needs.



When the heart is filled with worry, when it is consumed with fear, anxiety, depression then Allah is merely alerting you that something within you, within your soul, is heading the wrong way. He is signaling that the contents of your heart need to be purged and they need to be replaced with only Allah, just as it should be, SubhanAllah. Who created you? Who created your heart? Whom do you belong to? It is only Allah, is it not? So who else do you allow to enter your heart then…..



Can you imagine a world where nothing fazes you. Where no one can hurt you, where a word doesn’t slice your beating flesh, where there resides only the gift of Allah’s love and obedience. No that is not only in Jannah my dear, that beautiful existence is to be discovered today and right now.



Yes it is possible to live life this way, in fact this is the way that life was designed to be lived. Where the relationship is only between you and Allah. Your children, your spouse, your parents, your family and your friends are merely a blessing, a gift from Allah to you. He did not send them for you to depend on, He sent His quran as a guide for you to read and to make you realize and see that there is only Allah out there for you.
Surah 50. Qaf, Ayah 16

وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنْسَانَ وَنَعْلَمُ مَا تُوَسْوِسُ بِهِ نَفْسُهُ ۖ وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ
VERILY, it is We who have created man, and We know what his innermost self whispers within him: for We are closer to him than his neck-vein

If you know that it is only Allah that see’s to your daily needs then why are you in doubt that Allah will heal your heart and see to your emotional needs? Why do you turn to man and allow him to disappoint you when he is simply unable to see to you the way that Allah will see to you? If we are distanced from Allah albeit the performance of salaah and other ibaadat Allah will unsettle our hearts so as to allow us to seek His comfort and return to Him. Has it ever occurred to you that all that you’re going through is because Allah loves you and wants you closer to Him? Has it occurred to you that perhaps you’ve built up a wall between you and Allah by placing hope in man? Has it dawned on you that once you let go of what you cannot change and submit to Allah then nothing will matter at all as long as Allah is pleased with you or as long as you strive to please Allah….



I remember the tale of the messenger Nabi Muhammed (SAWs) journey into Taif and the difficulty endured by His mubaruk soul. A heart wrenching tale it is indeed and a tale to reflect upon when our own lives shatter and break us down. What were the words of the beloved of Allah (SAW) to his Creator Allah? Do you know? Can you remember?



He said…..
O Allah! To you alone do I complain of my weakness, my scarcity of resources, and the humiliation I have been subjected to by people. O Most Merciful of those who have mercy! You are the Lord of the weak, and You are My Lord too.
To whom have you entrusted me? To a distant person who receives me with hostility? Or to an enemy to whom you have granted authority over my affair?
But as long as You are not angry with me, I do no care, except that Your favor is a more expansive relief to me. I seek refuge in the light of Your Face by which all darkness is dispelled and every affair of this world and the next is set right, lest Your anger or Your displeasure descend upon me.
Yours is the right to reproach until You are pleased. There is no power and no might except by You.”.

Three lessons to take from this….
– If Allah created this entire world for His beloved rasool SAW then surely we know that Allah loved Him most from all His creation. And if He loved him so much wouldn’t He have favored him and not let difficulty, trials, hurt and pain befall him? And yet his difficulties were more than you or I could ever imagine, fathom or digest!Does that not show you that trials, affliction and difficulty is the nature of this world?
-And look at the words of nabi SAW, look at his thoughts and his worry. None of his pain mattered as long as Allah wasn’t displeased with Him! SubhanAllah.  -And lastly, notice how nabi SAW didn’t ask for something specific in his supplication. How he did not complain of his situation. How he only had fikr or concern that his Rhabb must not be angry and have this be the result of his Allah’s wrath…..



May our kind Allah remind us of this incident each time our lives fall apart and we feel lost and without help or hope.


He IS Al-Jabbaar beloved reader… He mends broken hearts. This broken heart is an invitation to you to better acquaint yourself with your Maker and Creator…. Alhamdulillah…..


Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” – Quran….


7 thoughts on “We break hearts and He heals them…..💕

  1. mumtazsm says:

    When im alwaya down i always remind my self that what my problem? Allah nabi p.b.u.h went through hard times and his tawakul in Allah was enough and while i sit saying my problems are big i realize that Allah is there waiting for me to call upon him

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tanveer Rauf says:

    perhaps you’ve built up a wall between you and Allah by placing hope in man? Has it dawned on you that once you let go of what you cannot change and submit to Allah then nothing will matter at all as long as Allah is pleased with you or as long as you strive to please Allah….Subhan Allah how wisely you brought the problem and the solution 🙂 your writing style is impressing flowing and easily instill in minds. May Allah shower His blessings upon you always amen


  3. ayeshaumair says:

    Your post is very relatable. As humans, we become emotionally attached with others and it is often very difficult to remove expectations from them. While I truly agree with what you say but it is quite impossible to practically implement all this. When one feels fear, anxiety and depression, what should one do. I know that Allah knows better but this is not enough to make me feel better at times.


    1. hoor_ain says:

      As’salamualaykum and may Allah bless you for allowing me to elaborate my thoughts better. When one feels anxiety etc(as you have mentioned) and as you asked;then what should one do? Turn to Allah of course. Utter His praises, recite quraan, reflect over your thoughts and align them to only His remembrance or worship. As mentioned in the post, we are liable to err so we will, that’s not the problem,the problem is when we lie there crippled or when we get up and gaze at man for a hand, for comfort. The more conscious you are of Allah the better equipped you are to deal with heartache (and the likes) as you always want to please your Creator… Hope that sets it in better perspective. Shukran.


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